Since 2014, Liberty Reptile has produced quality reptiles with the goal of improving the species we work with and changing the reptile market to favor quality over quantity. We saw subpar animals and care and decided it was time to contribute to fixing the problems we were seeing, not contributing to those causing them.


It all started with a turtle.

Philadelphia natives Claudia and Dan are passionate about reptiles, but it all started with a turtle. That was Dan’s first introduction into the world of reptiles and while he and Claudia were shopping for supplies one day, a pet store employee told them to check out a reptile show to stock up.

“…what is a reptile show?”

The rest is history. We walked into our first show and didn’t want to walk out… well, except for some of the subpar conditions the animals at the show were in. We started adding to our collection and decided to breed certain species, keeping quality of care top of mind and only breeding what we wanted to have in our collections ourselves! Now, more than 8 years later, Liberty Reptile provides education and information and vets people who purchase their new pet and/or breeder from us. Let us get you passionate about these little creatures and see how quickly you’ll fall in love!